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Re: Filtering / modify incoming SQL instruction ?
Posted by: Bogdan Degtyariov
Date: January 22, 2019 08:16AM

Hi Bob,

Thanks for your reply.
Interesting that only the database name gets quoted with the twig symbol (`).
I would expect a query like this:

UPDATE `dbname`.`res_partner` SET email='' WHERE id=1;

The error message for SET is telling us that parsing of the query broke around the fully qualified table name, which is perfectly valid.

Maybe it has to do something with the quotation. This could be the case if the server has ANSI_QUOTES sql mode. This SQL mode makes the server interpret the double quote (") symbol to mark the boundaries of the objects such as database/table names, so the default twig (`) symbol supposedly used by the FileMaker client would break the whole query syntax.

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