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Re: Data Insert Using XML
Posted by: noxhanti piliso
Date: June 11, 2006 02:20PM

I know this is not the right forum but i can't get answers elsewhere. My problem is similar to the above except that it involves wml. I created the code below, but I get errors (unexpected end to wml source).Does anyone know what to do?


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<card id="card2" title="userdetails">

User Details:<br/>

Enter User ID<br/>
<input name="repid"/><br/>
Enter Name<br/>
<input name="name"/><br/>
Enter address<br/>
<input name="address"/><br/>

Enter Telephone Number<br/>
<input name="tel"/><br/>

<go method="get" href="insert.php">
<postfield name="customer_id" value="$(repid)"/>
<postfield name="name" value="$(name)"/>
<postfield name="address" value="$(address)"/>
<postfield name="tel" value="$(tel)"/>
Submit Data

header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\""
. " \"\">";

<card id="card2" title="add">


//connect to database server
$connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "password")
or die ("connection failed");

//Select the database
$db = mysql_select_db("db_wap", $connection)
or die ("failed to select database <br />\n");

//execute a query
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO 'tbl_User' ('repid', 'name', 'address', 'tel') Values ('$_GET[repid]', '$_GET[name]', '$_GET[address]', '$_GET[tel]')") or die("Input failed");

if (!$sql) {
echo "Error cannot Insert record.!!!<BR>"; mysql_error;exit;
}else {
echo "record inserted";

//insert OK inform user

print "<b>Customer Database:</b> <br/>";


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January 04, 2006 12:36AM
Re: Data Insert Using XML
June 11, 2006 02:20PM
July 22, 2006 08:23PM

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