manish singh wrote:
> ok
> so ill make some minor changes
> i havent tried LOAD DATA INFILE. i will have to
> see what warnings and error messages
> does this command throw during a process.
> so instead of creating a file with insert
> statements , ill create just a csv or a tab
> delimited data file from oracle and load it using
> the above command right?
> Josh , the data type conversion i was talking
> about was something of this sort
> for instance consider the date field. in my
> oracle tables the dates are of the format
> mm/dd/yyyy. now mysql has a format yyyy-mm-dd.
> now if i get the oracle data
> as it is and load into mysql, it shows 0000-00-00
> so i did to_char and transformed
> the date into mysql format within quotes like
> '2002-11-11' and loaded into mysql
> and it worked fine.
> so instead of me transforming the particular
> data type is there anything in mysql that ca be
> used?
If you use this LOAD DATA INFILE, this is not relevant since you need the format correct for that command as its just a raw data load, but very fast.
However, if you want to augment your current process of using the insert statements, then on the MySQL end you can use date manipulation functions to massage the data into a date format on the fly. Please see:
and in particular you might use the STR_TO_DATE(str, format) function.
Josh Chamas
Director, Professional Services
MySQL Inc.,
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