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Re: Lack of "real" example makes it very dificult to understand!
Posted by: Stefan Hinz
Date: August 08, 2004 10:14PM

V@no wrote:
> So, other words, u suggest first pull the needed
> entries, then add to them the rest of the
> entries...
> ok, that would work, but what about if use LIMIT?
> I mean, if I dont want these specific entries be
> everywhere, but only on first page.

On your first web page, you'd display the results of the first query, and however many rows you want from the second query. On the following web pages, you'd display the results of the second query only. It's as simple as that.

> again, it will require checking and calculating in
> the PHP...I just thought all that could be done in
> MySQL...I guess not...

Of course it could, but it would make things more complex for you. Considering the information you gave in your last posting, this looks even more like a case where you would prefer to have two SQL queries. Remember Occam's razor: "No complexity beyond necessity." ;-)

Stefan Hinz, MySQL Documentation, Berlin, Germany

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Re: Lack of "real" example makes it very dificult to understand!
August 08, 2004 10:14PM

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