Re: Slow connection, urgent!
Posted by: Nicklas Forsberg
Date: September 30, 2005 04:35PM
Date: September 30, 2005 04:35PM
Thanks for your reply, the indexes seems to be in order.
But im quite new to the commando syntax of mysql (win version)
Sorry for bad layout, but heres some info.
I managed to speed some areas up by changing from InnoDB to
MyISAM. ordinary Select field from table works quite fast. But some
more complex or multiple sql requests in loops are slooow. Any tips.
But still, this works alot faster in my coding enviroment.
I have now also uppgraded to 1gb ram :)
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info
| 11 | root | localhost:3034 | | Sleep | 2344 | |
| 75 | root | localhost:3099 | | Sleep | 1 | |
| 79 | root | localhost:3257 | orpusdb | Sleep | 1158 | |
| 88 | root | localhost:3266 | mysql | Sleep | 1464 | |
| 538 | orpuscrm | localhost:3787 | orpusdb | Sleep | 14 | |
| 553 | root | localhost:3802 | | Query | 0 | | show proc
esslist |
Uptime: 2941 Threads: 6 Questions: 7799 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 110 Flush ta
bles: 1 Open tables: 2 Queries per second avg: 2.652
| Variable_name | Value |
| back_log | 50 |
| basedir | C:\Program\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\ |
| binlog_cache_size | 32768 |
| bulk_insert_buffer_size | 8388608 |
| character_set_client | latin1 |
| character_set_connection | latin1 |
| character_set_database | latin1 |
| character_set_results | latin1 |
| character_set_server | latin1 |
| character_set_system | utf8 |
| character_sets_dir | C:\Program\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\share\charsets/ |
| collation_connection | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_database | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_server | latin1_swedish_ci |
| concurrent_insert | ON |
| connect_timeout | 5 |
| datadir | C:\Program\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\Data\ |
| date_format | %Y-%m-%d |
| datetime_format | %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s |
| default_week_format | 0 |
| delay_key_write | ON |
| delayed_insert_limit | 100 |
| delayed_insert_timeout | 300 |
| delayed_queue_size | 1000 |
| expire_logs_days | 0 |
| flush | OFF |
| flush_time | 1800 |
| ft_boolean_syntax | + -><()~*:""&| |
| ft_max_word_len | 84 |
| ft_min_word_len | 4 |
| ft_query_expansion_limit | 20 |
| ft_stopword_file | (built-in) |
| group_concat_max_len | 1024 |
| have_archive | NO |
| have_bdb | NO |
| have_blackhole_engine | NO |
| have_compress | YES |
| have_crypt | NO |
| have_csv | NO |
| have_example_engine | NO |
| have_geometry | YES |
| have_innodb | YES |
| have_isam | NO |
| have_ndbcluster | NO |
| have_openssl | NO |
| have_query_cache | YES |
| have_raid | NO |
| have_rtree_keys | YES |
| have_symlink | YES |
| init_connect | |
| init_file | |
| init_slave | |
| innodb_additional_mem_pool_size | 524288 |
| innodb_autoextend_increment | 8 |
| innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb | 0 |
| innodb_buffer_pool_size | 134217728 |
| innodb_data_file_path | ibdata1:10M:autoextend |
| innodb_data_home_dir | |
| innodb_fast_shutdown | ON |
| innodb_file_io_threads | 4 |
| innodb_file_per_table | OFF |
| innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit | 1 |
| innodb_flush_method | |
| innodb_force_recovery | 0 |
| innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 50 |
| innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog | OFF |
| innodb_log_arch_dir | |
| innodb_log_archive | OFF |
| innodb_log_buffer_size | 1048576 |
| innodb_log_file_size | 10485760 |
| innodb_log_files_in_group | 2 |
| innodb_log_group_home_dir | .\ |
| innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct | 90 |
| innodb_max_purge_lag | 0 |
| innodb_mirrored_log_groups | 1 |
| innodb_open_files | 300 |
| innodb_table_locks | ON |
| innodb_thread_concurrency | 8 |
| interactive_timeout | 28800 |
| join_buffer_size | 131072 |
| key_buffer_size | 83886080 |
| key_cache_age_threshold | 300 |
| key_cache_block_size | 1024 |
| key_cache_division_limit | 100 |
| language | C:\Program\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\share\english\ |
| large_files_support | ON |
| license | GPL |
| local_infile | ON |
| log | OFF |
| log_bin | OFF |
| log_error | .\ORPUS.err |
| log_slave_updates | OFF |
| log_slow_queries | OFF |
| log_update | OFF |
| log_warnings | 1 |
| long_query_time | 10 |
| low_priority_updates | OFF |
| lower_case_file_system | OFF |
| lower_case_table_names | 1 |
| max_allowed_packet | 1048576 |
| max_binlog_cache_size | 4294967295 |
| max_binlog_size | 1073741824 |
| max_connect_errors | 10 |
| max_connections | 100 |
| max_delayed_threads | 20 |
| max_error_count | 64 |
| max_heap_table_size | 16777216 |
| max_insert_delayed_threads | 20 |
| max_join_size | 4294967295 |
| max_length_for_sort_data | 1024 |
| max_relay_log_size | 0 |
| max_seeks_for_key | 4294967295 |
| max_sort_length | 1024 |
| max_tmp_tables | 32 |
| max_user_connections | 0 |
| max_write_lock_count | 4294967295 |
| myisam_data_pointer_size | 4 |
| myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size | 107374182400 |
| myisam_max_sort_file_size | 107374182400 |
| myisam_recover_options | OFF |
| myisam_repair_threads | 1 |
| myisam_sort_buffer_size | 8388608 |
| named_pipe | OFF |
| net_buffer_length | 16384 |
| net_read_timeout | 30 |
| net_retry_count | 10 |
| net_write_timeout | 60 |
| new | OFF |
| old_passwords | OFF |
| open_files_limit | 622 |
| pid_file | C:\Program\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\Data\ |
| port | 3306 |
| preload_buffer_size | 32768 |
| protocol_version | 10 |
| query_alloc_block_size | 8192 |
| query_cache_limit | 1048576 |
| query_cache_min_res_unit | 4096 |
| query_cache_size | 268435456 |
| query_cache_type | ON |
| query_cache_wlock_invalidate | OFF |
| query_prealloc_size | 8192 |
| range_alloc_block_size | 2048 |
| read_buffer_size | 61440 |
| read_only | OFF |
| read_rnd_buffer_size | 188416 |
| relay_log_purge | ON |
| relay_log_space_limit | 0 |
| rpl_recovery_rank | 0 |
| secure_auth | OFF |
| shared_memory | OFF |
| shared_memory_base_name | MYSQL |
| server_id | 0 |
| skip_external_locking | ON |
| skip_networking | OFF |
| skip_show_database | OFF |
| slave_net_timeout | 3600 |
| slave_transaction_retries | 0 |
| slow_launch_time | 2 |
| sort_buffer_size | 142328 |
| sql_mode | |
| storage_engine | InnoDB |
| sql_notes | ON |
| sql_warnings | ON |
| sync_binlog | 0 |
| sync_replication | 0 |
| sync_replication_slave_id | 0 |
| sync_replication_timeout | 0 |
| sync_frm | ON |
| system_time_zone | V?steuropa, normaltid |
| table_cache | 256 |
| table_type | InnoDB |
| thread_cache_size | 8 |
| thread_stack | 196608 |
| time_format | %H:%i:%s |
| time_zone | SYSTEM |
| tmp_table_size | 5242880 |
| tmpdir | |
| transaction_alloc_block_size | 8192 |
| transaction_prealloc_size | 4096 |
| tx_isolation | REPEATABLE-READ |
| version | 4.1.13a-nt |
| version_comment | Official MySQL binary |
| version_compile_machine | ia32 |
| version_compile_os | Win32 |
| wait_timeout | 28800 |
But im quite new to the commando syntax of mysql (win version)
Sorry for bad layout, but heres some info.
I managed to speed some areas up by changing from InnoDB to
MyISAM. ordinary Select field from table works quite fast. But some
more complex or multiple sql requests in loops are slooow. Any tips.
But still, this works alot faster in my coding enviroment.
I have now also uppgraded to 1gb ram :)
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info
| 11 | root | localhost:3034 | | Sleep | 2344 | |
| 75 | root | localhost:3099 | | Sleep | 1 | |
| 79 | root | localhost:3257 | orpusdb | Sleep | 1158 | |
| 88 | root | localhost:3266 | mysql | Sleep | 1464 | |
| 538 | orpuscrm | localhost:3787 | orpusdb | Sleep | 14 | |
| 553 | root | localhost:3802 | | Query | 0 | | show proc
esslist |
Uptime: 2941 Threads: 6 Questions: 7799 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 110 Flush ta
bles: 1 Open tables: 2 Queries per second avg: 2.652
| Variable_name | Value |
| back_log | 50 |
| basedir | C:\Program\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\ |
| binlog_cache_size | 32768 |
| bulk_insert_buffer_size | 8388608 |
| character_set_client | latin1 |
| character_set_connection | latin1 |
| character_set_database | latin1 |
| character_set_results | latin1 |
| character_set_server | latin1 |
| character_set_system | utf8 |
| character_sets_dir | C:\Program\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\share\charsets/ |
| collation_connection | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_database | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_server | latin1_swedish_ci |
| concurrent_insert | ON |
| connect_timeout | 5 |
| datadir | C:\Program\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\Data\ |
| date_format | %Y-%m-%d |
| datetime_format | %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s |
| default_week_format | 0 |
| delay_key_write | ON |
| delayed_insert_limit | 100 |
| delayed_insert_timeout | 300 |
| delayed_queue_size | 1000 |
| expire_logs_days | 0 |
| flush | OFF |
| flush_time | 1800 |
| ft_boolean_syntax | + -><()~*:""&| |
| ft_max_word_len | 84 |
| ft_min_word_len | 4 |
| ft_query_expansion_limit | 20 |
| ft_stopword_file | (built-in) |
| group_concat_max_len | 1024 |
| have_archive | NO |
| have_bdb | NO |
| have_blackhole_engine | NO |
| have_compress | YES |
| have_crypt | NO |
| have_csv | NO |
| have_example_engine | NO |
| have_geometry | YES |
| have_innodb | YES |
| have_isam | NO |
| have_ndbcluster | NO |
| have_openssl | NO |
| have_query_cache | YES |
| have_raid | NO |
| have_rtree_keys | YES |
| have_symlink | YES |
| init_connect | |
| init_file | |
| init_slave | |
| innodb_additional_mem_pool_size | 524288 |
| innodb_autoextend_increment | 8 |
| innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb | 0 |
| innodb_buffer_pool_size | 134217728 |
| innodb_data_file_path | ibdata1:10M:autoextend |
| innodb_data_home_dir | |
| innodb_fast_shutdown | ON |
| innodb_file_io_threads | 4 |
| innodb_file_per_table | OFF |
| innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit | 1 |
| innodb_flush_method | |
| innodb_force_recovery | 0 |
| innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 50 |
| innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog | OFF |
| innodb_log_arch_dir | |
| innodb_log_archive | OFF |
| innodb_log_buffer_size | 1048576 |
| innodb_log_file_size | 10485760 |
| innodb_log_files_in_group | 2 |
| innodb_log_group_home_dir | .\ |
| innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct | 90 |
| innodb_max_purge_lag | 0 |
| innodb_mirrored_log_groups | 1 |
| innodb_open_files | 300 |
| innodb_table_locks | ON |
| innodb_thread_concurrency | 8 |
| interactive_timeout | 28800 |
| join_buffer_size | 131072 |
| key_buffer_size | 83886080 |
| key_cache_age_threshold | 300 |
| key_cache_block_size | 1024 |
| key_cache_division_limit | 100 |
| language | C:\Program\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\share\english\ |
| large_files_support | ON |
| license | GPL |
| local_infile | ON |
| log | OFF |
| log_bin | OFF |
| log_error | .\ORPUS.err |
| log_slave_updates | OFF |
| log_slow_queries | OFF |
| log_update | OFF |
| log_warnings | 1 |
| long_query_time | 10 |
| low_priority_updates | OFF |
| lower_case_file_system | OFF |
| lower_case_table_names | 1 |
| max_allowed_packet | 1048576 |
| max_binlog_cache_size | 4294967295 |
| max_binlog_size | 1073741824 |
| max_connect_errors | 10 |
| max_connections | 100 |
| max_delayed_threads | 20 |
| max_error_count | 64 |
| max_heap_table_size | 16777216 |
| max_insert_delayed_threads | 20 |
| max_join_size | 4294967295 |
| max_length_for_sort_data | 1024 |
| max_relay_log_size | 0 |
| max_seeks_for_key | 4294967295 |
| max_sort_length | 1024 |
| max_tmp_tables | 32 |
| max_user_connections | 0 |
| max_write_lock_count | 4294967295 |
| myisam_data_pointer_size | 4 |
| myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size | 107374182400 |
| myisam_max_sort_file_size | 107374182400 |
| myisam_recover_options | OFF |
| myisam_repair_threads | 1 |
| myisam_sort_buffer_size | 8388608 |
| named_pipe | OFF |
| net_buffer_length | 16384 |
| net_read_timeout | 30 |
| net_retry_count | 10 |
| net_write_timeout | 60 |
| new | OFF |
| old_passwords | OFF |
| open_files_limit | 622 |
| pid_file | C:\Program\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\Data\ |
| port | 3306 |
| preload_buffer_size | 32768 |
| protocol_version | 10 |
| query_alloc_block_size | 8192 |
| query_cache_limit | 1048576 |
| query_cache_min_res_unit | 4096 |
| query_cache_size | 268435456 |
| query_cache_type | ON |
| query_cache_wlock_invalidate | OFF |
| query_prealloc_size | 8192 |
| range_alloc_block_size | 2048 |
| read_buffer_size | 61440 |
| read_only | OFF |
| read_rnd_buffer_size | 188416 |
| relay_log_purge | ON |
| relay_log_space_limit | 0 |
| rpl_recovery_rank | 0 |
| secure_auth | OFF |
| shared_memory | OFF |
| shared_memory_base_name | MYSQL |
| server_id | 0 |
| skip_external_locking | ON |
| skip_networking | OFF |
| skip_show_database | OFF |
| slave_net_timeout | 3600 |
| slave_transaction_retries | 0 |
| slow_launch_time | 2 |
| sort_buffer_size | 142328 |
| sql_mode | |
| storage_engine | InnoDB |
| sql_notes | ON |
| sql_warnings | ON |
| sync_binlog | 0 |
| sync_replication | 0 |
| sync_replication_slave_id | 0 |
| sync_replication_timeout | 0 |
| sync_frm | ON |
| system_time_zone | V?steuropa, normaltid |
| table_cache | 256 |
| table_type | InnoDB |
| thread_cache_size | 8 |
| thread_stack | 196608 |
| time_format | %H:%i:%s |
| time_zone | SYSTEM |
| tmp_table_size | 5242880 |
| tmpdir | |
| transaction_alloc_block_size | 8192 |
| transaction_prealloc_size | 4096 |
| tx_isolation | REPEATABLE-READ |
| version | 4.1.13a-nt |
| version_comment | Official MySQL binary |
| version_compile_machine | ia32 |
| version_compile_os | Win32 |
| wait_timeout | 28800 |
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