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Solution to Connecting remotely when you get Error 10060
Posted by: Mohamed Infiyaz Zaffer Khalid
Date: December 25, 2008 09:50PM

Hello everyone, this problem is pretty simple to solve. If you're getting error 10060, this means that you ARE NOT ALLOWED to access the web server remotely.

Usually we (I mean, I) access the mysql databases using php and this is on the SAME server. Thus we use 'localhost' to connect. But if you were to for example access the same web database using a local machine running VB, the story is different.

First, here's what you should NOT do. I'm saying this because I noticed some responses had these as action steps. So,

1. DON'T change any ports
2. DON'T close existing ports and reopen new ones as it may affect other apps.
3. DON'T disable any firewalls.

Now here's what you MUST do:

1. on your connection string, make sure that you're using the SERVER'S correct IP. On the other hand, you can use the domain name, and this is what I do.

2. The rest of the parameters are the same. I mean they're what you want or have set.

3. NOW the critical thing. First you've got to tell your web server that you need to accept remote connections. You can easily do this using the cpanel. When you're asked for the remote host name, type in % (the percentage sign) to mean ANY HOST.

4. Finally, you may have to tell the web server's firewall that you're making a remote connection from your machine. To do this, cpanel allows you to add your own IP into a 'white list'. In most cases, cpanel shows you a list of class C IPs and your one should be there. Select it. Save the settings.

Now go into your app and run the program - eg: in VB.

Should work just fine!

Happy coding.

The Smart Solutions Expert

PHP MySQL Javascript VB6 C/C++

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/25/2008 09:53PM by Mohamed Infiyaz Zaffer Khalid.

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August 24, 2007 01:26AM
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Solution to Connecting remotely when you get Error 10060
December 25, 2008 09:50PM

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