File full error in simple select statement
I am a relative newbie to MySQL, although not to SQL generally, and am not sure if this post should be in here or BI.
When running a SQL Query in both SQLYog and MySQL Workbench it gives me an error.
Error Code: 1114
The table 'C:\Windows\SERVIC~1\NETWOR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\#sql1e10_8_37' is full
This is a new computer and this error did not occur when I ran the code on my old computer about a year ago.
The Hard drive has 800 GB free.
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_data_file_path';
If I remove one of the sums in the query is removed then the query runs. It is the one marked with ****.
If I add the where clause (to restrict the return values) it runs fine.
I am running version 8.0.23.
I feel like there is some problem with temporary file storage size, but the size doesn't look that big to me.
d2.Code AS Family,
SUM(IFNULL(d2.Amount, 0)) AS Owing -- ****Removing this line and the code runs fine.
FROM weekendings W -- Contains 800 rows
dr02 d2 -- Contains 350,000 rows.
ON ((W.WeekEnd >= d2.Date AND d2.t1 <> "G") OR (W.WeekEnd >= d2.WeekEnd AND d2.t1 = "G"))
-- WHERE d2.Code = "SMI1"
GROUP BY W.WeekEnd, d2.Code;