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Re: Connector hangs during login
Posted by: Al Harlow
Date: March 06, 2014 11:27AM

I have since read somewhere on the internet that the myconnector was written for the Arduino Ethernet shield and won't work on other shields unless code changes are made. That was enough for me to take another route. I already have Apache web server and PHP on the same machine as the database and the two work well together. I took a suggestion to write a web page just for this, call the web page from the Arduino, and pass the data to the page which send the data to the database. That works fine. I've since moved on to another 'progress stopper'. The cc3000 hangs during repeated calls to the web page. I'm coming to the conclusion that I may have to go away from wifi for a hard connection. I apparently have to much 'noise' in my environment to allow it. We've had off and on internet access for quite sometime. Never been able to conclude if its my lan or my ISP's problem.
Anyway, I'm a .net programmer by profession and with one issue after another, I'm about ready to give up and go to the Netduino.

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Re: Connector hangs during login
March 06, 2014 11:27AM
March 06, 2014 11:41AM
March 07, 2014 03:47PM

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