Re: MYSQL doesn't 'see' accents
`English` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
says that that one field will be encoded utf8 regardless of the charset setting for the table, database, or server.
But that only covers then encoding in the field.
The "connection" is handled with SET NAMES; I can't explain what you are seeing.
The "collation" is probably defaulted to utf8_general_ci, which will treat Résumé the same as Resume. If that is not to your liking, use utf8_bin.
As for é was shown Ú, that sounds like the encoding got changed somewhere.
Let's see what got stored in TblEngTest:
SELECT English, HEX(English), LENGTH(English), CHAR_LENGTH(English) FROM TblEngTest WHERE ...
and show us what got stored for, say, Résumé.
There are many moving parts (the client, Notepad, the keyboard Alt sequences, MySQL client, MySQL server, etc). First we need to isolate where the problem lies.